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Web portal

The Publisure web portal is fully integrated as part of your larger communications strategy and can be used in conjunction with hybrid mail, email, SMS, and mobile apps to deliver an all-in-one digital communications platform.

secure web portal

The Publisure web portal is fully integrated as part of your larger communications strategy and can be used in conjunction with hybrid mail, email, SMS, and mobile apps to deliver an all-in-one digital communications platform.

Implementing a least cost digital transformation strategy

Publisure allows you to implement a least-cost strategy for document delivery.

By integrating web portal, SMS, email and hybrid mail modules, Publisure can ensure that your document is successfully delivered at least costto the organisation.

Publisure allows you to implement a least-cost strategy for document delivery.

By integrating web portal, SMS, email and hybrid mail modules, Publisure can ensure that your document is successfully delivered at least cost to the organisation.

Letter posted via web portal or app
First reminder
Second reminder
Letter posted if not read via digital channels
interactive document portal

Detailed Management Information allows you to refine and optimise your digital strategies

interactive document portal

Detailed management information allows you to refine and optimise your digital strategies

web portal authentication workflow

An integrated and secure two-step registration and authentication process

Publisure provides a configurable two-step registration and authentication workflow that enables you to automatically invite and register customers online. 


Each time a letter is submitted into the system, the recipient is identified and validated against a database who have successfully registered and authenticated. 

An integrated and secure two-step registration and authentication process

Publisure provides a configurable two-step registration and authentication workflow that enables you to automatically invite and register customers online. 


Each time a letter is submitted into the system, the recipient is identified and validated against a database of those who have successfully registered and authenticated. 

web portal authentication workflow

The intuitive print driver is quick to download and implement. No changes are required to your existing processes or workflows. Publisure can be hosted locally or delivered via a simple SaaS based model.

Publisure provides a full audit trail for every document you submit. Detailed management information is provided for auditability and compliance.  Accessible 24/7 via on any device.

If you can print, you can publish – no proprietary 3rd party black box or API interfaces required.


In addition to its own ‘best of breed’ communication channels (such as hybrid mail, SMS, portal and app), Publisure provides simple integration with other third party applications delivering you a non proprietary middleware platform to enable your digital transformation.

Publisure provides a fully integrated two factor registration and authentication workflow. Once a user has successfully registered, Publisure will automatically identify whether  a document should be published digitising and delivering your communications through a secure closed loop solution.




An Automated Workflow

When a letter is submitted, Publisure checks to see if the recipient has been registered to receive their documents electronically. If the recipient has completed their registration and authentication process, an email or SMS notification is automatically sent out informing the customer to log in and view their document. 

When a letter is submitted, Publisure checks to see whether the recipient has been registered to receive their documents electronically. If the recipient has completed their registration and authentication process, an email or SMS notification is automatically sent out informing the customer to log in and view their document. 

Unique document URL
Customisable link

The email or SMS message contains a link that takes the recipient to your branded web portal interface.

Secure PIN login

Secure PIN requested

A one time authentication PIN is automatically generated and sent to the recipient.

Auditable and compliant receiptRecipient uses Pin to open and read document

Once the one time PIN is received, the user is able to open, view or action their document.

Automated reminder digital notificationsNot read?

If the document is not read within a configurable time period, a reminder is automatically sent using the recipient's preferred communication method.

Final hybrid mail reminder
Still not read?

If the document is still not read, the document will then be posted via hybrid mail.

Access secure documents at anytime, from anywhere, using any device with Publisure

Access secure documents at anytime, anywhere, from any device, with Publisure