
SMS Messaging

Automatically generate and send bulk, 2-Way or a one-off SMS message using the intuitive Publisure SMS service which integrates hybrid mail and email communications for an auditable, digital workflow

Automatically generate and send bulk, 2-way or a one-off SMS message using the intuitive Publisure SMS service which integrates hybrid mail and email communications for an auditable, digital workflow

Text message automation

The simple Publisure SMS interface allows you to compose and send SMS messages directly from your desktop.

Publisure allows you import an existing list of recipients, merge it with a predefined SMS template, and send each user a personalised SMS message.

Publisure can automatically generate a notification message when a document has been digitally shared or published to a web portal – the message can contain a unique link to the document, a one-time PIN code etc.

Publisure can automatically generate 2-way SMS reminders that allow personalisation (data and time of the appointment), recipient replies and attendance confirmations thus improving processes.

A simple workflow

Deliver SMS messages easier with a scalable text software which is tailored to suit your needs perfectly. Let SMS become your most valuable and instant communication tool for customer engagement.

Deliver interactive SMS messages easily with a scalable text software which is tailored to suit your needs perfectly. Let SMS become your most valuable and instant communication tool for customer engagement.

appointment letter automation

PAS application

Appointment letter is printed by PAS Application.

SMS letter dispatch

Print, envelope & dispatch

Publisure automatically prints, envelopes and dispatches the letter.

Automated SMS schedulingTracking date & time

The specialty, date and time of the appointment are extracted and held in the Publisure system.

Personalised SMS reminders

Personalised SMS reminder

Publisure uses a simple configurable workflow to automatically generate a personalised SMS reminder.

interactive SMS communicationReal-time response

Publisure receives real-time responses to automatically update your system on cancellations or re-arrangements.

responsive SMS scheduling

Text engagement

Recipient is able to reply and confirm, cancel or re-arrange the appointment.

Publisure offers simple, integrated and interactive SMS workflows

Publisure offers simple, integrated and interactive SMS workflows